Monday, July 1, 2013

Summer Challenge!

So I'll be honest...I didn't do too great with the June challenge.  I have excuses up the ying yang...but really it boils down to me being lazy.

My new challenge has come about for 2 reasons: 1) I am involved in a dance project that will be showing at the end of September, and need to work on my flexibility. 2) I need something quick and with no equipment because I am traveling quite a lot this summer.

So, without further ado, this summer (both July AND August) is a YOGA CHALLENGE!  This challenge is also great because you can do it anywhere!  Do it outside in the beautiful weather, or in the comfort of your living room on a rainy day.

This challenge consists of a morning and night-time routine.

 Here is our evening routine:

 Each sequence consists of  8 moves.  Hold each pose for 30 seconds and repeat sequence twice through so as to stretch both sides evenly (If you prefer you can do both sides of each pose one after the other...there are 3 poses in the morning and 2 at night which do not favour a side so repeat those poses twice).  Each week you can extend your pose time by 5 seconds as you gain more flexibility.

I hope this challenges you in more ways than one.  It's time to centre yourself and really become aware of your body as well as improving your flexibility an posture.

I loved my Bikram Yoga when I had it readily available to me in Chicago...

Have an amazing summer!